'Till Death Do Us Part: Ten Solid Tips For a Strong and Lasting Marriage
Do We Unfairly Demonize Celebrity Girls Gone Wild
How to Boost Your Self-Confidence With the Opposite Sex
Why Feminists Want You to Get Herpes
Abstinence: Everybody’s Doing It!
Sexual Attraction + Compatibility = Nothing?
What’s Dumb About Hooking Up
The Complex Algorithm of Female Attraction

That was the night before he flew home to New Zealand for ten days. Impeccable timing.

So I’ve been patiently awaiting his return, and now that he’s back we are having dinner tonight. I am freaking out a little. It was very early to get into sexting, and I don’t know how well I will handle myself. Until I’m there.

Wish me luck!!!


Posted in Take2 's Posts

Tagged advice, bachelor, boy, Dating, funny, girl, list, online, reconnect, sex, sext, Single, stories, story, text, top

Take2 : Bachelor Number 23 – fourth… and final?
Posted on February 6, 2011 by Take2 | 1 Comment
“Nice guys finish last, you’re running out of gas” Green Day

So Bachelor Number 23 has been quite popular amongst readers and friends. And I must admit, he is amazingly sweet, a lovely guy, and on paper we should be a perfect match.

But he’s not beautiful. He’s not ugly, he has very nice eyes, and I know that my tastes differ from others. But I’m not sold.

Fever has been privvy to my “Do looks really matter?” debate, and has provided quite a lot of insight. But I guess it comes down to that age old question: How important are looks? For me, I guess it’s about attraction, rather than a particular bone structure. And I know I’m no oil painting, but surely I can find a man who I would happily stare at for hours on end?